February 02, 2007

Take it back!

Take Back the Memorial. I am just disgusted with Mayor Bloomberg and all those who want to PC-ize the memorial to all those that died just five short years ago during the worst attack on American soil. Their names - first and last, ranks - if they were military, and companies should be listed... It seems that this would be common sense.

But as the hubster says - if common sense were so common, why don't more people have it. Hey Bloomberg! Kiss my ass!

Posted by Ethne at February 2, 2007 10:56 AM | TrackBack

Hey there -

Thanks for stopping by the other day - sorry your weather is so awful. We've having clear, sunny COLD. I can take the cold provided there's no precip.

I went and signed the petition. I still cannot believe there is no memorial yet (even in the United 93 field, where you'd think it would be pretty uncontroversial whose names needed to be listed). I've had a design in my mind's eye for a long time; if I had the skills, I'd have submitted it. And it definitely included every one of their names.

Hope your Valentine's day was soothing and mushy. Cheers!

Posted by: Sheryl at February 15, 2007 07:33 PM

I've had a little issue on my site. If you come by to visit in the interim, until I get some stuff cleaned up/changed, the two words you need are "dontyouwish" and "itwaseasy". Cheers and thanks!

Posted by: Sheryl at February 20, 2007 06:48 PM