July 11, 2006

Explosions rock Bombay

Blasts in India financial capital

BBC is saying 5 explosions, FoxNews is saying 6 - either way I have a sudden sinking feeling. I just hope that I am wrong. My thoughts and prayers are heading in the direction of India.

Michelle Malkin has more information. And a burning question about the date. What is it about the 11th? Also - anyone else notice that this was also on a Tuesday, Just like 9/11 and 3/11?

Update 2: From FoxNews
MUMBAI, India — Seven explosions hit Mumbai's transit system on Tuesday, killing 131 people and injuring more than 300, police said. Shortly after the bombings, police arrested members of an Islamic group in India.

The explosions, which occurred as commuters were returning home from work during the evening rush, tore apart locomotives and scattered bodies around the tracks, as shown on Indian television.

Seriously, how many innocent people have to die at the hands of these Islamofacist jihad asshats before the rest of the world understands and takes the threat seriously enough to weed these bastards out of the genepool?

Posted by Ethne at July 11, 2006 08:54 AM