June 28, 2006

Lynch Ann!

I know this topic is outdated. I wrote most of this up last week after seeing the stupid headline on the rag, but I haven't been able to post this until now...

So there I was, on a sunny Saturday after working some overtime… standing in the checkout line at the local Wegman’s. While waiting my attention wandered to the birdcage lining rags displayed at the end cap. Oh look, Calista and Harrison are going to tie the not? Loretta Lynn died and was brought back to life on the operating table and Ann Coulter is the most hated woman in America – and why she should be booted out of this country…

Say what? Granted, what she said was vindictive and nasty. I don’t condone what she said, but it isn’t up to me to judge her. Plus, last time I checked there was this bothersome little amendment that said she had the right to Freedom of Speech. So in exercising that right, she needs to be booted out of the country? Did I miss something here? What Ms. Coulter said was mean spirited (no matter how truthful it was) and no worse than a lot of the things that the extremists on the left say.

For example, Mr. Ugly mug Ward Churchill and his equating the victims of 9/11 to the like of Eichmann. I find that far more repulsive then Ann’s observations that the “Jersey Girls” or whatever they are calling themselves are using their victim hood status to stay in the limelight. And the idiocy that I see coming out of the mouths of Kosmaniacs and the like, I find it insipid and stupid and if I cared about their opinions, I may be insulted and offended. But that would be my problem, wouldn’t it?

See, that’s the thing – all this political correctness is just another way to reward childish and bad behavior. And the media buys right into it, hell, they fan the flames. Case in point; the MoToons. Some poor working stiff draws a couple of silly cartoons while under the impression his freedom of speech is protected (I am assuming of course that Denmark has such an established freedom) and while they may be insulting towards those that they were directed at (Islamofacist) maybe some light of truth may actually help them modify their behavior. Instead, the wack jobs go all up in arms, and carry on in the very manner which is displayed in the cartoons. Yeah, that will convince us to respect you… not.

Shit… I have completely forgotten where I was going with this rant (it’s two days later from when I started this…)

Anyway, I noticed strange things more and more lately. Web sites that I used to visit are now blocked from work. I shouldn’t complain because it is possible that I shouldn’t be surfing the net from work. And I won’t complain to them… but it just sticks in my craw when sites like Bill Whittle are marked as “Hate Speech” sites (I know, can you imagine?) and fricking Kos and DU are still accessible. Uh, hello? I mean I can kinda understand the Rott being blocked due to language … but dear me… Whittle? Hate speech?

And just what the hell is hate speech anyway? Doesn’t that still fall under the category of “free speech” or is it banned because it is double plus ungood? Seriously, I want to be able to freely express myself without having to fear for losing my job. Or wind up at sensitivity training. Since when has it become a right to not be offended? I am so tired of the PC bullshit. I used to read Tongue tied because it amused me how pathetic some people were when they were all concerned about offending Native Americans because of the team names. My High school team used to be the Penfield Chiefs. It wasn’t a stretch because of how many freaking Indian type names are around here, like Irondequiot, Cheektowaga, Canandaigua, and so on and so forth. It wasn’t offensive; it was just a team name. Now it’s the “Penfield Patriots” – whatever… that isn’t going to strike fear into the heart of anyone (with the possible exception of the Ditzy Chicks.)

Here, I can feign being offended at a team name. For example, the Boston Celtics. I’m freaking Celtic and I am offended for two reasons – mostly because it’s pronounced wrong. But the implication is that us Celts are bloodthirsty sweaty stinky savages – much like the Capital One commercials. I bathe on a fairly regular basis and I don’t go around brandishing Axes or Swords. I don’t wear bear skins (much.) But instead of being offended, really… I am just plain amused. I even try to imitate the guy saying “What’s in your wallet?” but my brogue is lacking. Sadly, I’ve become to Americanized.

Posted by Ethne at June 28, 2006 10:40 AM | TrackBack

Nice to see you haven't lost your touch; that's a true rant if ever I read one. I have no problem with the Kelts, just try to convince them in Boston, those who play roundball.

Posted by: T F Stern at June 30, 2006 03:38 PM

Bill Whittle??? Hate speech? Ya gotta be kidding me.

You are kidding...right?

Posted by: Linda at July 11, 2006 05:56 PM

I just read the part of "Godless" in question. If you consider the whole context, it all works, and I get it. There are, however, a couple of sentences that are well over the top.

Posted by: Col. Hogan at July 11, 2006 11:45 PM

Linda - if only. And HI!!!

Posted by: ethne at July 12, 2006 10:41 AM
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