April 30, 2007

Haliburton strikes again

McChimpyNaziHaliburton's Global Warming hits Mars.

Ok, I am just kidding, but isn't it interesting that Mars is suffering Global Warming at the same time Earth is? Couldn't there be a correlation? Don't get me wrong, I am all about protecting the environment. I think it's a good idea for the longevity of the planet as well as the human race. I don't want any of my potential children keeling over from pollution.

However, the near screeching hyperventilation of certain individuals who shall remain nameless (Al Gore) is basically annoying and kills the message. Especially when they are flying all over the planet in their own private airplane and consuming triple the amount of power as the average family. Gore and the rest of the Limousine Liberal crowd - put up or shut up. Until you can walk the walk, perhaps you should stop talking. After all, jettisoning all that excess hot air also increases your carbon foot print.

Posted by Ethne at April 30, 2007 12:36 PM | TrackBack