March 08, 2007

Now for something else

I found an interesting article today at the Times Online called How my eyes were opened to the barbarity of Islam. The article itself is fairly interesting (but things I have heard before about American Women marrying Middle Eastern men without actually investigating more about the family she is marrying into. Sorry, but even marrying another American, I wouldn't have actually gone to the church without knowing more about my intendeds family and their relationships. It’s just good sense as far as I am concerned.

I actually have a friend who is marrying someone from Uzbekistan. I don’t know anything about the man as she met him while doing mission work in that country. I just hope there are no nasty surprises involved there as we have all ready had the discussion of the different cultures. But I am going to remain concerned.

The most telling part of the article isn’t the article itself, but the comments section. It is very telling considering the ant-American attitude that is prevalent throughout.

“I married a man, I knew nothing about.

I moved to a country, I knew nothing about.

I verbal attack a country and its religion because of mistakes I made.

Congratulations...You just fueled a stereotype of what an American is.”

Sure, blame the victim. Typicle. And then the others preaching that Islam teaches respect of all women. Is it respectful of women to give them 75 lashings for being alone with a man because he kidnapped you?

Maybe these holier than thou idiots should visit this site. The Religion of Peace

Posted by Ethne at March 8, 2007 11:49 AM | TrackBack

I have known several women who married Islamic men and it only came out badly for them. It is not a good choice.

Posted by: Lucy Stern at March 15, 2007 09:46 AM
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