October 03, 2006

Move along

Nothing to see here...

More sunset

Life has been insane again. The Axe is about to fall again at work and the tensions are mounting. Mass layoffs despite the fact that the stock has shot through the roof and the corporation is now purchasing smaller companies and building a new factory. They say cuts all across the board which last time meant the dissolution of whole divisions...

needless to say, I am stressed. No matter how hard one may work, they are always a target for reduction of headcount. It's kind of demotivating.

On the personal side, since cycle one didn't reap any benefits for the whole creating life thing, I am starting cycle two. I have also volunteered myself for being a human pin cushion. A "friend" of mine said she did a lot of research and found that acupuncture can increase chances up to 40%. This person isn't the type to just casually believe these things.

So, what the hell, I tried it. Today was the first session. I know you all who have never had it won't believe this... but the needles don't hurt... not at all. It 'was oddly relaxing.

Other than that... Happy 10 Year Anniversary, hubster. It may be a day early, but I know I won't get to a blog entry tomorrow. I love you handsome man... I wouldn't go through all this for just anyone. :)

Posted by Ethne at October 3, 2006 05:33 PM | TrackBack

I wished I had a digital camera when I was working night shift as a cop; no, not to take pics of the bad guys. I would get off early in the morning just as the sky was getting light. In the early fall, just as all the meadows were turning brown, the grasses and low vegitation would have ground fog and dew to reflect the morning light. There was some kind of red or maroon grass that added color to that scene. Maybe I can just get up real early and find some of those fields and take those pictures I should have so many years ago.

Thanks for posting your pics.

Posted by: T F Stern at October 7, 2006 08:04 PM