July 25, 2006


I seem to be having an issue going over to Fox News today to check out the GRR!! column. Everytime I get to the main news page, it clicks over to another page with "Page not found" and there are a multitude of urls linked together in the address bar. Very interesting. Ok, who did they piss off now?

And speaking of being pissed off, these jerkoffs are about two inches away from me driving to Detroit to flog them. Seriously, if I were the judge in that case, I would throw them all in jail for wasting tax payer money to whine.

And speaking of whining:
Dear ignorant Lebanon visiting ungrateful asshat,
I heard something disturbing today. I heard that you were whining about how long it took for our current administration to evacuate your ignorant lazy ass from a war zone. Pardon me, but did anyone from this country put a freaking gun to your head and force you to go and hang out in the homestead of Hezbollah? Did anyone really force you to stick around after the shelling began? And why is it the federal government’s responsibility to find you transportation? As a concerned taxpayer, I want to know why the hell I have to pay (once again) for your freakin’ asinine stupidity!

I hear some are relating the “slow� evacuation to the post Katrina evacuation. In both cases, the last people that should be blamed is the federal government. IN the first case, the local government should have made use of all the buses that were just sitting around to evacuate those who couldn’t get out. But despite a warning from the president himself to get the hell out of there, many decided to take their chances regardless of the ability to get themselves out. In the second case, you are in a nation with know terrorist ties. One that has many people that would be ever so happy to wipe Israel off the face of the earth (and is next door to Israel). One that is sanctuary for the same terrorist jerk-offs that murdered 241 US Marines in 1983. And that sounded like a good place to visit, why?

And this dumb bint – if I ever meet this bitch in person, I will show her what discomfort really is:

From Alamo Nation*“MARINACCIO: -- there's people with ten kids, you know, seriously, ten kids, and, um, they're trying to get food and then there's other people yelling saying that they're stealing food, and you know. I -- I'm assuming that they were hungry, because they had been there since 9:00 and apparently from what I hear, um, at around 11:00 when they came around giving food out, this was the first time people were being fed. Yeah, it was sad.�

They were starving after TWO WHOLE HOURS? Oh the HORROR, oh, the HUMANITY!!!! BUSH LIED, CHILDREN STARVED!!!! You are being ferried out of a WAR ZONE!!! It's not supposed to be a Carnivale Cruise.

Personally, if it were up to me, I’d leave the Beirut vacationing assholes to fend for themselves. And the thing that irritates me the most is the lack of freakin’ proper gratitude when our nations finest go to a war zone to bail your indolent portly asses out.

Yeah, it's old news, but I have been busy... and it's still pissing me off...

And also, I want to add my voice to the chorus of Thank you for putting yourselves in harms way - even though some of those you are rescueing are ungrateful shitheads.

*I was trying to find the Rush Limbaugh link but like everything else this moring, Rush's site was giving me grief. Thanks go out to The Alamo Nation for having the major points.

Posted by Ethne at July 25, 2006 09:21 AM | TrackBack