May 19, 2006

He's back!!!!

With a great entry from the perspective of a person who is legally trying to immigrate to the US:

I think that any person who is in support of any bill providing
legal citizenship; amnesty; and/or whatever they proceed to call such a
bill is personally casting stones at my family. I am ignited and am
anxious to complete my doctorate. I believe that once my doctorate is
completed that I will have a greater voice against such an egregious
form of legal wrangling. I think that these corporations, government
officials and others who harbor illegal aliens should be fined, charge
legally, and receive the greatest punitive consequences allowed by the
letter of the law.

Go read the whole letter and welcome back the Loveland Insider (aka: he who used to be known as Nerdy Conservative)

Posted by Ethne at May 19, 2006 11:33 AM | TrackBack
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