October 13, 2005

We are experiencing a lull…

The weather has made quite the dramatic change in the last few days. Last Thursday it was a toasty 80-something degrees with sunny skies. Since then, the thermometer hasn’t risen above 55 and I haven’t seen the sun at all. But I am not complaining as I prefer the weather this way. I like the idea of not sweating the moment I get out of the shower. I love the idea of sleeping underneath a big down comforter. I like the guilt free weekend of doing nothing because it is too miserable to go out side and do yard work – not that I really do a lot of it to begin with. It’s just that now not doing anything is guilt free.

Work, on the other hand, is a completely different story. No matter how little I have to do, or how much I have managed to get done, if there is idle time, I always feel guilty. Right now, typing this – guilt. Even though I am taking an online CSS course at the same time. Multitasking is one of the things I do best. (All I can think of is that obnoxious commercial for – I think Residence Inn – some hotel where there is this really annoying slacker singing “Multi – Tasking!” And the spuedo laughter after he says” The chances of me getting any work done is…. Remote!” I really hate that guy. Smarmy, self-satisfied assclown.)

Anyway, the rumor mill has started churning about with the whispers of lay-offs and re-orgs and it always makes me wonder who all is going to be left to do even more work? I’ve dodged that particular bullet more times than I care to count. Is this going to be the time my neck is on the chopping block? That is always a possibility. I hate the thought of it. So, perhaps if I ignore it long enough, it will go away. I know that it doesn’t work that way, but today I want to play ostrich. Not to mention I am only doing this because the online course is putting me to sleep.

Another area that I have been playing Ostrich in is the whole news department. I
have decided that I have had enough of the back-knifing droning whining from
everywhere. I used to get a lot of amusement out of the Grrr! Columns by Fox News’ Mike Straka, and even more amusement from the people that wrote him. I found myself nodding my head in agreement with some and grrrring myself at others. However, somewhere in the last month, I find myself pissed off every time I read them. It seems that everyone everywhere is offended by something and needs to tell the world how they are right and everyone else is wrong. Most of the written whines have to do with the lack of manners and civility that has become more prevalent through out our society. Not that they are wrong, but how about this – instead of whining anonymously on a website – find some tactful way of confronting the jerks on their moronic behavior. Nine times out of ten the person doesn’t even know they are being annoying. The 10th one does and needs to be shamed back into acceptable behavior.

Or at least that’s my theory.

Anyway, I haven’t been saying a lot because I find that lately, I haven’t a lot to say. Work keeps me busy, for the most part. Hubster has been going crazy with all the regular work and homework he has been doing. An old friend from my past has suddenly popped back up in my life and I am glad of it. I had no idea how much I missed having her to talk to, even though we are still meandering through the awkward stages of getting reacquainted. We hadn’t talked in over nine years. Some things about both of us will never change, but there is a lot that has. It’s getting past that part where we can share a comfortable silence that is elusive right now.

The parental units are driving all over the south right now on an extended vacation. They will be out of town for three weeks. It seems funny to me that they are going to be gone so long. I’m used to talking to them at least every other day. In their absence I have been tasked with checking the house every two to three days to make sure the hot water tank hasn’t exploded. My question is, what would they like me to do about it? I understand there is a point to having someone walk around the house to make sure there isn’t a gas leak, or someone hasn’t broken in and stolen the family fortune (hee hee – right…) or to just plain old make sure the heat comes on so the pipes don’t freeze. But am I supposed to feel responsible if the hot water tank blows up? I just don’t get it.

I’m also responsible for keeping my mother’s plants alive. Anyone who knows me well knows what a joke that is. I am more dangerous to plant life than Agent Orange. I am wanted in three states for herbicide! I have no plants in my house that are not all ready dead and dried or plastic (and even those aren’t immune to my rare talent. My house is my own killing field. ) Actually, the cats can be blamed for the death of the fake flowers. The way they go at them, you would think they were laced with catnip. Anyway, I made them sign a waiver that I could not be held responsible for any of them dying or being eaten by mites while I was merely watering them. They looked at me with suspicion, but signed anyway. (MMMMWWWWAAAHHHAAAHAHAHAHA!!! Silly parents.)

Well, that’s just a little bit that has been going on in Ethneville – oh and yes, I did see Serenity… liked it very much except for one thing. And no, I am not going to ruin it. Just go and see it all ready!

Long Live Joss!

Posted by Ethne at October 13, 2005 05:18 PM | TrackBack
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