September 02, 2005


If anyone is still having a hard time wrapping their mind around what is going on in New Orleans- here's some before and after pictures. This brings it home.*

I cannot even begin to imagine what that must be like.

Instapundit has a fabulous list of charities.

Michell Malkin has more charities, and a dollar amount for money that has all ready been raised.

The Truth Laid Bear also lists many charities and is hosting a blog burst today.

Wonder who has been giving? Chuck Simmins is keeping an ongoing tally.

Want to know where a loved one is in the affected area? Katrina Finder may be able to help out.

Gas Gouging facts. Please don't beat up on the gas station attendents, the employees have little to do with it. If you suspect gouging, take the name of the station down, the prices that are in effect for all fuel grades and report them.

AAA has some handy dandy numbers to go by. Listings includes National, State and local averages. If you are uncertain if perhaps you may be over reacting, check this source out.

*Tip O' the Hat to fellow ISN'er: Joe Alias.

Posted by Ethne at September 2, 2005 11:56 AM | TrackBack
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