July 13, 2005

Blame Game

Union Jack

'Cause it's always raining in my head,
Forget all the things I should have said.

- Staind

I've been watching with a detached interest how the world has been responding to the terrorist attacks in London. I knew it was merely a matter of time before the full blame of the bombings rested squarely on the US. I have always been fascinated with how people seem to love to lay blame everywhere but where it belongs. In case any of my gentle readers are wondering, it belongs on the dipshits that loaded themselves up with explosives and then wandered into areas crowded with innocent civilians to blow themselves the hell up. I honestly don't think I can make it any clearer than that.

I know, I know… there are many many people that like to blame Bush, Blair, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, Karl Rove, Condi, Rummy, Haliburtonchaneyroveinotbloodforoilevil corporations… it's just so much easier to blame them, isn't it? It's easier to make the boogeyman someone with lot o' money and power. It's easier to blame the "little Eichmanns*" who were mere cogs in the evil heinous corporate machines instead of blaming the animals that slaughtered the innocent. Why is that, do you think?

Nearly four years after the mass murder of work bound civilians, who were merely working to support their families and pay their taxes were blown up, burned up, or chose to jump from insane heights to reclaim some power over their own destiny, and the same argument comes around. And I try to remain the voice of reason, trying to lend some sanity to the decisive debate. My point has always been and will always remain that there are those that made the choice to hijack four airplanes, fly into three different structures to butcher the blameless and frankly, I am so freakin' tired of making it.

So, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to keep blogging. Because, despite my belief system, I am tired of the echo-chamber discourse on both sides of the political aisle. And I am tired on the unending discussion on how the US is responsible for all the evil in the world. I'm tired of trying ot defend my country with logic when the opposing view will refuse to acknowledge even the most simplest of points, that the US didn't cause 9/11, that the Bush administration isn't responsible for it (as evidenced by the 9/11 commission report), that the terrorists acted out on their own. Those that were killed on that day did not deserve it. If I cannot convince anyone of that, then there is no longer any point in my blathering onward.

But since I am an exhibitionist, I don't know how long my self-imposed silence will last. Judging from previous attempts, probably not all that long. Because I will be honest with my gentle readers, I love the feel of the keyboard, I love the sound of my own inner voice and I adore the idea that there are people out there that read these page, including (and most especially) the hubster. And maybe, just maybe, if I shut up long enough, he will finally speak.

Posted by Ethne at July 13, 2005 10:57 AM

You know what I think would be sweet? If you and I could find a way to get some extra cash and meet up for a weekend somewhere with a few bottles of wine, some good food, and a lot of blather about everything and nothing.

Sounds like we're at about the same level of fried, sisterfriend.



Posted by: Linda at July 13, 2005 11:54 AM

I will always listen. I sometimes need to hear the echo of my own morals and beliefs. Oh no, I am not alone... (SHUTUP self!..???!!!! Sonofab..) I, I mean other than those pesky voices in my head, I have others that understand the way things should be... :)

Posted by: Jason at July 13, 2005 05:39 PM

AHHH Ethne, The left would love for you to get disillusioned and quite writing. That way they can creep furthur up the ladder of socialist take over. Besides, haven't you ever noticed that sometimes certain people just have a way with words and they are able to get their point out in just such a way that it "lights" a lightbulb of understanding for the reader? Don't quit writing, we need you.

Posted by: Lucy Stern at July 13, 2005 06:22 PM

At least when you hear the voices in your head they aren't from Allah telling you to blow up a bus full of infidels. Don't you wish that Allah would talk to these psychos and explain that their lone suicide would be just as good, a single bullet while looking down the barrel of a gun held in their hot little hands, pull the trigger and dream of virgins walking past a pile of pulp that is no longer dangerous to the rest of the civilized world. Why couldn't Allah talk to them that way and leave mass transit systems, grocery stores, banks and hotels alone. Must be one screwed up religion to follow an allah who can't even keep the bus running on time.

Posted by: TF Stern at July 14, 2005 10:06 AM

Please don't lose heart, Ethne. In the end, of course, it's your choice. But the fewer reasonable people around, the worse and more ravenous BOTH extremes will become, and the further discourse will fall. You think it's bad now? Without the reasonable and the moderates to balance the equation, the whole thing will become all hyperbolic Nazi comparisons, cries of treason at the slightest dissent, and of course endless ad hominem attacks. It gets worse every day, and the only chance we'll ever have is if there is a force to reign each party back. If we all give up, they win. And then we all lose.

You have a voice. You are not obligated, by me or any amount of readers, to use it in anyway if you feel it's going to waste. It may not be as loud or influential as mega-blogs that represent the two extremes. I don't agree with everything you say. But I will listen as long as you choose to speak.

Posted by: Ystros at July 14, 2005 05:18 PM

You could always talk to us about the new Harry Potter novel? *evil giggle*

You know this is one subject you and I can't talk too much about. But I'll say this... we did not cause 9/11 or the bombings since then. Some screwed up people did in the name of their belief, and yet they are hurting the other followers of their faith too. Can you imagine if a bunch of Babtists were running around doing this? Gawd what a mess that would be!

Take a deep breah... now head on down to Barns and Noble and get yourself a copy of that new book! LOL

Posted by: NC Wench at July 15, 2005 06:57 PM

Wow.....finally!!! Someone who tells it like it is!! There is NOBODY responsible for the cowardly acts of these criminals except themselves!!! Thank you for saying it!

Posted by: Walter at July 17, 2005 09:22 AM
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