June 24, 2005

It's a long'un Part III

Part I and II are here:

There was another jolt in timeline as it was night again. Those whom had been captured were all still in their cages. There were also new occupants to the cage farm, more lab rats. Three of them I recognized. (This was the first hint also that I had been watching way to much Farscape.) Crichton, Aeryn and Zhaan were in cages that were across from me. ( And since the actual dream occurred Tuesday night / Wednesday morning, some of the details are starting to get hazy, such is life…) The Crichton and Aeryn had apparently been trying to get my attention between patrolling guards. (Apparently I am just as thick headed in my dreams as in real life.) Finally when they had my attention they filled me in on a plan to get us all out of there. They then told me that I was integral to the plan because it appeared that the scientists were very interested in me, and wanted to keep me undamaged. So, naturally I was the decoy.

I was to escape first to lure the guards away from everyone else. I was to bait them into following me to the dilapidate warehouse where I had already been knocked unconscious in the previous episode of this particular frelled up dream. Once I had them inside, a ambush of resistance fighters was there to pounce on them, allowing me to escape, through an underwater tunnel back to where the main resistance headquarters were.

I was beginning to smell a set up. I said as much. Crichton and Zhaan did their best to ease my fears, and my semi-conscious self thought, "I hope this plan goes better than all the other plans these guys have had." So, it was with an understandable amount of hesitancy that I pulled a bobby pin (which magically appeared) from my hair, and started to work on the lock. It didn't take long and it was in the nick of time to capture the attention of the patrolling guard. I ran quickly to the cage my newest buddies are in to drop the bobby pin, and hauled butt out of the lab.

I was very nearly caught several times by the guards. They weren't your usually clumsy variety, but I could hear them calling out to each other to not shoot me. I was needed alive and unharmed. Suddenly I was this running machine and I got far enough ahead of the pack that when I dove into a little alcove. I hid until the troops ran past me, save the last one. A short squat little guy. Slow mover, easy pickins, very darwinesque. I hold a knife to his throat (have no idea where that came from) and do a little impromptu interrogation. I find out that the reason why I am so valuable is that I have resisted the virus that had turned most of the world into Zombies. The scientists wanted to use me as an incubator so that they could harvest anti-bodies. The rest of the folk in the lab lockup - test animals. The were to be injected with the virus, then with my anti-bodies. Not what I need to hear. I killed him and moved on. (I've never killed anyone in my dreams before, it freaked me a little.)

I finally got back in front of the pack, and led them to the predestined coordinates. Again, with the sinking feeling of déjà vu, I see the enemy on two sides. Zombies, men with guns. But the resistance, no where to be seen. I start swearing a blue streak. I start running towards stacks and shelves of bog knows what. I'm in a blind panic now, wondering who will catch me first. I see the drainage area where the pipe is that I am supposed to swim through and as I get closer a loud roaring of voices is heard. The resistance had arrived and fighting had broken out on all sides. It was a mad house. Someone from what I now considered my side, pushed a large heavy gun into my hands. I turned to start firing on my pursuers…

And then I woke up, heart pounding out of my chest.

I hate Zombie dreams…

Posted by Ethne at June 24, 2005 05:59 PM
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