May 25, 2005

Not what was expected

Since work has been hell and I have been coming home downright exhausted, I've decided to cheat for today's entry.

You scored 57 Holy, 61 Tactful, 42 Natural, and 65 Arcane!
Salvato himnu equis domini... my apologies to those of you who speak Latin, as I'm sure that means nothing... which is probably for the best because only a small fraction of D and D Gods actually have much to do with the Christian God, and so it could just have easily been "Dorroh muestra gah gah tormah" or whatever blows your hair back... the important thing is this... you are a man of your God. So much so that you are actually able to call upon favors directly from Him/Her/It... such as heavenly smites and whatnot. Moreover, you and your God are so tight that He/She/It doesn't even check to make sure you're putting them to good use before the favor is granted... well, for awhile at least. Some of your powers are pretty slick, I guess. Since priests are generally boiling over with suppressed violence and whatnot, and since your God-given powers never seem to measure up to the little tech-demos you see those arrogant mages doing all the time, you spend just enough time weilding a mace or other such weapon to ensure that you can kick one of those mages' butts if you ever find one alone in an alleyway. You are most likely found trading in your hard earned boons for a couple more hitpoints for the ranger to squander hunting his current pet peeve.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 58% on Godliness
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You scored higher than 74% on Tact
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You scored higher than 9% on Harmony
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You scored higher than 87% on Arcane
Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

No one is more surprised than I.

Stolen shamelessly from the Muse.

Posted by Ethne at May 25, 2005 08:14 PM
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