May 17, 2005

Alone: A Rant

Warning: There is a copious amount of swearing ahead, including a hefty volume of the F word. If that's not your thing, please stop now.

I’m cranky.

I’ve kind of sequestered myself away from the rest of the world for a little bit, because every time I come up for air, something truly awful has happened, and I get this overwhelming desire to just start beating people senseless. Actually, most of the people I want to beat have no sense to start with, so perhaps there is a deep seeded desire to beat some sense into them… but I am fairly certain that is a lost cause.

I hate Newsweek. As much as many may jest, I know that they are also seriously pissed. That scandalous magazine should be held accountable for each and every death that was caused by their lies, they should be held accountable for the property damage that was due to the riots that libelous story caused. As should the assholes that rioted. Personally, I could care less if copies of the Quran were desecrated. I would actually love to see a copy flushed down the toilet as I don’t think it is physically possible. Hell, my toilet would explode at the mere thought of choking down a copy of Ayn Rand’s ‘Anthem’. Think about the physics involved in that one people! Seriously, unless GitMo has toilets that have larger dimensions than the average North American toilet. Do GitMo’s toilets suck harder?

And you know what, fuck you, you terrorist assholes that motivated the peaceful protest into more violent extremes. You freakin’ burn the American flag pretty much hourly…. You don’t see us getting all huffified about it. Get over it. Just because someone “supposedly desecrates” something doesn’t make the meaning behind it any less true. It’s a freakin’ printout of words. I don’t honestly think God cares what some infidel does to it. Does the desecration challenge your beliefs? Does it change the way you feel about your religion? Perhaps the problem isn’t with the desecration, but with your strength in your faith. Deal with it, you whiny babies.

And did I forget to mention the pictures of these asshats demanding an apology from Bush because of the supposed flushing? Excuse me, but did Bush flush the Quran? Then why the fuck should he apologize for something that he didn’t do? Perhaps you should all apologize for your animalistic behavior in rioting instead.


Assholes, the world is filled with them. One would think that the media would pay more attention to the details of their stories after the freakin’ CBS scandal.

Random interjection (the word asshole reminded me): Has anyone heard anything about the autopsy of Terri Schindler?

Another thing that has been getting under my skin lately are those freakin’ magnetic ribbons. I am so sick and freakin’ tired of seeing them on all these different cars. And I am not just talking about the “Support Our Troops” or “God Bless America” ones. I’m talking about the “Breast Cancer Awareness”, “Diabetes Awareness” and “Down Syndrome Awareness.” I am beyond aware on all these topics and seeing a freaking magnetic ribbon isn’t really doing anyone a bit of good. Oh yeah, I am sure that the proceeds from the sale of said ribbon goes to one of the charity organizations (probably less than a dollar) but what is the point to the ribbon? To show off the fact that you gave money to charity?

Seriously, I have no problem with the idea behind the ribbons, but the fact that so many have to display that they have given to a particular charity or that you bought it at a 7-11 and they just ripped you off… well, I can think of many other ways to prove that you support the troops, and if you look over there  you can see what I mean. (I don’t know why I am so hostile towards the ribbons, perhaps it is because they have lost all real meaning when they are every where and about everything. It’s like those rubber bracelets. They kind of annoy me for the same reason.

Other things that annoy me lately:
Brit Hume. I’m sorry Brit, you just irritate me. Perhaps it’s your sign off tagline, or it could be that fact that you look like the Calamari dude from Star Wars, or the fact that you stutter worse than I ever did and you get paid huge bucks. You stole my career! Bastard! Oh wait, I never wanted to be a journalist… that’s why I went into radio. Well, that, and no one could actually see me (see, closet exhibitionism again.) Also Brit, you just keep inviting that idiot back again and again…. What’s his name? Mister mega most irritating man - Oh yeah, Juan Williams. He annoys me more than you, which is a good thing for you.

I hate the fact that right now, I feel like one of the “unwashed masses”. I vaguely remember taking a shower this morning. I even vaguely remember using soap, but here I sit, certain that Kerr-McGee is libel to set up an oil derrick right on me noggin’. At least there is the possibility that a shower when I get home helps...

I absolutely despise those assholes that find that it is so important to talk on their cell phones that they nearly run me off the road every single time I drive on it.

I hate the fact that every time I start to make a small dent in my work load, more shit gets piled on. I hate the fact that I do engineering work only to get paid technician pay and that if I complain about it, I could lose my job.

And frankly, I am tired of fighting a possible winning battle if it means I’ve lost the war.

Posted by Ethne at May 17, 2005 08:07 PM

I'm not sure how to comment on this one...

I did leave a comment to Brad the Unrepentant, he had left the initials "WTF", no need to explain what that meant, except I said, "I know what T. F. stands for, what's with the "W"? Chill girl

Posted by: T. F. Stern at May 17, 2005 09:53 PM

Brit Ackbar? *lmao* Now I can't watch Brit Hume without seeing Gen. Ackbar's squidhead on his body.

Posted by: Trench at May 17, 2005 11:08 PM

Can I get an A-frickin'-men?

You have every right to be outraged. This crap is all just beyond the pale! It just serves to further underscore the hypocrisy in MSM, To Spokesman McClellan:"Who made you the editor of Newsweek?" You know what my answer would have been? I would have said, "Common decency and a respect for the facts. You're more concerned about getting caught with your pants down in a lie dressed up as journalism than you are about the nation that shelters you and gives you the right to sit there and snark at me or the loss of human life following Newsweeks' 'little oops'. So sit down and shut the fuck up, you morally bankrupt bitch."

It's also outrageous to see the hypocrisy among the enemy -- but in the end, their little fiction is all they've got, and NO, there is no courage in conviction, only an idolatry of death and submission.

Don't get me started on Screamapillar Dean and his latest inanities...

There's lots to be pissed off about, and sometimes it does seem like it's too much to wade through. In the end, I decided to "save my breath to cool my coffee." It's actually given me more energy to take real action, sans blog. The key lies in picking your battles. There's a lot of injustice and insanity out there. You can only whittle away at a corner at a time.

Keep rantin' girl. It may seem like you're preaching to the choir, but your efforts don't fall on deaf ears.

Posted by: Linda at May 18, 2005 11:53 AM

Ethne, I read an article last week that made me feel good about the man doing the Terri Schiavo autopsy. He sounds like an honorable man who is taking his time to get it right. He knows that his credibility in on the line and he is not taking any guff from either side. I tend to trust his abilities and I am looking forward to hearing the results. Lucy

Posted by: Lucy Stern at May 18, 2005 01:15 PM

A whole world of "Word" on your rantings girlfriend..and you know how I adore the F word! :D

Posted by: Merm at May 19, 2005 03:45 PM
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